Saturday, December 10, 2011

Wherever He may guide me, no want shall turn me back...

...My Shepherd is beside me, and nothing can I lack.

The last 4 months have taught me the truth of those words like no sermon ever could.

A ridiculous amount of stuff has happened since my last post. Boiling it down? Here goes:

Centreville (August and September):
-- I moved to live with Tom and Charli Couchman, who have become so dear to me. I resided as their basement gnome for August and September of this year, and they tolerated me extremely well.
-- Taught several lessons in English--trying to learn what is most helpful to do in a sermon. I tend to benefit most from personal studies, then Bible classes, then sermons. What makes a sermon effective? And sometimes even more importantly, what makes a sermon memorable?
-- Taught several times in Spanish with hermano Estaban Orellana at the Spanish group in Centreville (meets in the same building at 2 on Sunday afternoons). Received a very generous gift from the brethren there as I was leaving. When you know brethren don't have much and they continue to give... wow. I have selfishness I didn't realize I had.
-- Taught a song worship class over 4 Sunday afternoons in my time at Centreville. Good discussion and examination on what makes leading and following effective.
-- Been working over and over again on a Bible reading plan. Settled in to 6 chapters a day for a while, got off track, now trying for 12 a day until the end of the year--I'll finish just before the year is out at that rate. I highly recommend the 12 a day if you can. It takes me about an hour on average, but the "bird's eye" view is refreshing and often breathtaking.
-- Finished studying Revelation with Jim--excellent study. One of the biggest challenges: staying consistent with how you look at the book throughout. It's SO easy to jump from figurative to literal even when you're consciously trying to stay consistent. Especially near the end.
-- Drum Corps International show--got to see and catch up with Kurt Walters, who was aging out of Carolina Crown!
-- Surprise visit to VA camp. Epic. I love all of you. So much.
-- Being in Constant Friendship with Tim Broadwell.
-- Been working on several hymns: "How Can I Be Silent?" "All My Longing" (see last post) and "Father, Help Me Through Each Trial." I'm really trying to FINISH hymns. It's so difficult to just be finally DONE. Very, very close on "The Lord is a Warrior" and "Lord, Help Me Rise Up Again."
-- Fallen more in love with... ultimate frisbee.
-- Did a wonderful weekend study on Galatians with Tim Broadwell and Scott Smelser. So tired, but so worth it.
-- Visited with Katherine Mitchell as she went through a crazy heart surgery. Went amazingly well. It's amazing to see God work through medicine.
-- Took an amazing trip to FL with Drew Matthews, Dan and Drew Robertson, and Alex Smith. AllnightdriveGAbeachsunriseJacksonvillebeachMinigolfMilleniummallBiggestMcDonaldsDowntownDisneyRockclimbingBurger21NTsurpriseDQLauraBowleshouseBenCopelandHeidisurpriseinHomeDepotAnnaMariaRunofpainBdubsblazinwingsFirstticketSnorkelingcrystalriverBernssteakhouseanddessertAlldaydrivehome. Yup.
-- Excellent lessons from said trip.
-- Online course from first ticket. Alas.
-- Started studying Micah with Antoine. Passed that study on to Jim. Seems to be continuing to go well.
-- Drive through hurricane Irene to preach in MD, stayed with and ended up worshipping only with the Bowles. Encouraging trip, crazy circumstances.
-- Finished Tuesday Hosea study and finished out with several studies on different prayers and then group prayers with the guys/girls. Thoroughly encouraging.
-- Enjoyed good time with Zach, Emily, and Andrew Couchman--DC and battlefield tours, photoshoots, and spiritual discussions.
-- Crazy hike with Centreville group in the Appalachains. In the pouring rain. Jumping off stupid-high rocks into questionably deep pools. Exhilarating.
-- Getting to study with and baptize Tori Yardsley--she has an amazing heart and an amazing story. Still studying Philippians with her.
-- Was blessed with a 23rd birthday... and an iPhone 4. It is quite the handy tool.
-- Got to see the Avett Brothers live in Charlottesville, VA. So. Much. Energy. Fantastic show!
-- Got to enjoy several bike rides with the Couchmans, especially the 8 miler in the steady rain. :) Also really liked the restaurant Beans in the Belfry.
-- Attended an excellent gospel meeting with Ferrell Jenkins--topic was Bible geography, climate, animals... very helpful!
-- Began to learn how to cook with Mrs. Charli--lemonade pie, different spaghetti (one can never have enough), and, you guessed it... yes indeed... Hot Dog Bun Pie.
-- Some tearful and heartfelt goodbyes from the brethren that have been such an encouragement to me.

The Week In Between:
-- Driving with a carful of possessions (and a doorful of rainwater... weird, eh?) to Kennesaw, GA to stay with the Palmers. Such wonderful, hospitable people!
-- Drive to Titusville, FL to surprise the FC XC team (except Kenny) and run an 18:52 5K. Not bad for no training. :P
-- Wonderful times in in Tampa: MOSI, DQ, old prayer spot, Tops, Fresh Mouth with Nate, Wendys with Nate & Laura, Sutton Singing, Teen Study @ Chandlers, Stephanie Thompson's B-day, Prayer w/ Squirrels, NT, baptism of Claudia!, TB, Spanish Seffner, Growing Servants, Subway, and Singing @ Laura's. SUCH a great little trip!
-- Drive home to AU--Em's soccer game, wonderful runs with Nathan, hearing about the last Spanish church meeting, Tommy Holly on Psalm 103, wonderful time with the fam!
-- Re-sorted my possessions and packed another moving trailer. Count your many blessings--load them one by one. :)

Gettysburg (October-November):
-- Moved in to this excellent "man-cave" apartment on Main Street in Biglerville, PA. Just moments away from the Bieseckers, Bishops, and Smelsers. Perfect size for bachelorin' it up.
-- Been studying quite frequently with Scott Smelser--we've done Philippians, Romans 1-8a (still working), and a host of side questions/topics from AD 70 to evidences to instrumental music to just advice as an evangelist. I am SO blessed to be here with Scott.
-- Been learning names like crazy and getting settled in with the brethren here--so many encouraging people!
-- Gotten involved with several studies already: Lee Craft, Ryan Laughman, and Scott Bailey/Markus Ried with Scott on Mondays, Foreshadowing in the OT @ the Abel's and Psalms @ HACC on Tuesdays, study with Holly (a local real-estate agent) on Thursdays, Teen Studies on Friday nights, and a study in 1 Pedro (1 Peter) en EspaƱol on Saturdays.
-- Met some people at HACC, Gettysburg College, and the laundromat (which is right next door)--no solid contacts yet, but working on it.
-- Getting used to small-town life. They don't deliver mail to my apartment, so I have a pleasant 2 block walk to the post office. The library is just down the street. I live next to the ::ehem:: World Famous Country Store. It's pretty cool/crazy, and over 100 years old!
-- I live a 5-minute-run away from Oakside Community Park--excellent running trails, a beautiful lake, and a quiet spot that begs prayer and reflection.
-- Saw the movie Courageous. Twice. Not-dry-eyed both times. Support efforts like this.
-- Hosted a couple of singings and a young people's study--I'm still pretty new to this host thing, but I have a MUCH deeper appreciation for those who host and do alllll the prep for those things.
-- Been blessed to make 2 trips to NYC: one to do some street evangelism with Jady Copeland, and one for the YELL (Young Evangelists Living and Learning). Such encouraging people, such an amazing place in need of the gospel.
-- Designed and began construction on my own bed with brother Craig Bishop (who has all the know-how on this). It'll be a loft bed with a honkin' big desk and some shelves underneath. Carpenters, I respect you much more. Brings new meaning to the phrase, "You've made your bed, now lie in it!"
-- Ran the most ridiculous race of my life: The 9.6 mile VA Tough Mudder. Team ThreeSixteen: Brad and Marissa Glinkerman, Dan and Drew Robertson, Ezra Ward, Shawn Glinkerman, and Your Truly. The most ridiculous hills I've even run (seriously. hands down.), the coldest water/ice/carcinogen concoction I've even been in (including the lake in New Hampshire), more mud than one can process, and the chance of a 10,000 volt shock at the finish (after getting hosed down, of course). Amazing team building and grit-testing experience! Looking to possibly do another one in February.
-- Been present for the relatively immediate aftermath of one stroke and one cancer-return diagnosis among the brethren here. It's amazing to see God present in the outporing of care after these events. Thank God for His body!
-- Received our first snow: 5-6 inches! On... OCTOBER 29. Yup. Was involved in a minor car accident (as a passenger), almost brained by a falling snow-covered tree branch, and thought I might have to work with live fallen telephone wires. Praise God for safety and the beauty of the season!
-- Speaking of seasons: this is my first fall in 4 years! It's fading at this point, but I have fallen for fall all over again. Working on the beginnings of a seasons hymn.
-- Been blessed to help with moving one of the families here--again, such a blessing to see brethren in action.
-- Saw Owl City in concert. So much bueno.
-- Flew to AL to help lead the annual evangelistic singing in Moody, AL. Great contacts made--good to see old friends!
-- My family came back with my for Thanksgiving week--battlefields, photo shoot, 5K (with Adam as well), and Cracker Barrel... and just spending time with my family has been such a blessing!
-- Become part of the volunteer staff for the Biglerville High School indoor drumline program. Trying to develop contacts in the community and keep my percussion chops alive. Remembering how hard it is to be in the world and not of it.
-- Just began teaching two classes with the brethren: Hosea with the adult class on Sunday mornings and 1-2 Peter/Jude on Wednesday nights with the 9-10 graders (ish). Pumped about these classes!
-- Just learned last night that my cat of about 10 years, Lily, was taken by a car yesterday. It was such a blessing to have her as a comfort and a joy for as long as we did!
-- Even writing this post has helped me realize just how much God has blessed me to be where I am, in this place, with these people. Thank You, Good Father!

Goal: post more frequently and not just lists of events. ;)

More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that
suffering produces endurance, and
endurance produces character, and
character produces hope, and
hope does not put us to shame,
because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.

- Paul (Romans 5:3-4)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Wealth of the giving; Heart of the kind.

Sometimes, I just have to step back and marvel at the people that God has put in my life.

Like the Matthews, for instance.

Tonight is my last night as a resident of the Matthews' house. I spent 7 weeks here back in the summer of '09, and 2 months (to the day) this summer. It has become one of my "home"s in my stay here on earth.

Their hospitality has amazed me. Mrs. Sarah has cooked some of the most delectable and varied foods. Mr. Craig has provided such good conversation and leadership (and patience with my quirks). Drew is my best friend here in Centreville. Their hospitality has glorified God.

The beauty of it is that, while the Matthews have offered all this (lodging, food, association, guidance, friendship, patience, etc...) willingly and out of the goodness of their heart, the fact is that every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

We get to rejoice both in the giver and the Source of their giving.

He is the Wealth of the giving, the Heart of the kind.

Since my last post:
-- Blessed to teach through Hosea 12. Just one more study. If you have time, read Hosea 11 today. It's just wow.
-- Blessed to attend the wonderful wedding of Eric and Olivia Parker. Served as the MC for the reception. Hakuna Matata. :)
-- Blessed to start running again! After 3 weeks, gingerly ran some, took days off. The tendon-thingy is still hurting periodically, but I've been stretching more, and have been able to get 2 or 3 1-hour runs in. Praise God for helping us to appreciate our health! It's so fragile.
-- Blessed to study through parts of Titus with Mrs. Matthews in the morning. Those have been excellent, and such a refreshing way to start the day.
-- Blessed to have the Chariot fixed!!! Jack Grotenroth worked some wonders in his 8-hour diagnostic/repair, and for now it's no longer on the brink! Thank God for vehicles!
-- Blessed to finish "Words Fitly Spoken" with Katie and Catherine. I've never worked so hard on a hymn, and I'm so thankful that God allows His children to serve in this way. Music + Poetry + God's inspired Word = BOOM. Best explosion ever.
-- Blessed to take a day trip to Harper's Ferry with Ashley and Ben Dixon, and their friend Thomas. Good times, good stories, good spiritual conversation. Win x3.
-- Blessed to rock out at a Marc Broussard concert--I'm not super familiar with his music, but it was fun nonetheless. Good company: Alex and Lauren Smith, and Joe Riley. There's hope for me yet.
-- Blessed to surprise Aurie Adams with an awkward wad for her birthday. Yes, that's right. Also: jet skis. Very yes.
-- Blessed to preach out at Dulles--wonderful brethren there, and wonderful lunch and conversations at the Underwoods afterwards. Crazy incident at a toll booth where I forgot my wallet. Turned out fine, but whew.
-- Blessed to work a lot on time management. I've come a long way, but I've got a long way to go. Self-control is... just that.
-- Blessed to finish the "Studies in the Cross of Christ" with Antoine. We've started a survey of the blood of Christ per his request. If you've never looked into that, do.
-- Blessed to learn to drive a stick. I need more practice, but I can get one around. Still struggling with parking uphill. Backwards.
-- Blessed to be more content with being single than I have in a long time. Thank You, Lord.
-- Blessed to finish "Erasing Hell" by Francis Chan. Highly recommended. Not a fun read. Definitely super motivating.
-- Blessed to hang out a good bit with Drew, Alex, and Lauren. Pei Wei (stellar), new car (sweet), Rango (meh), and good times all around.
-- Blessed to have a blast singing and playing countless rounds of Ninja at the Adams house with the young people. Oh, so many good times.
-- Blessed to preach several times: The Heart of Modesty, One Thing (Php 3-4), Our Great Enemy (1 John), Greater Is He Who Is in You (1 John).
-- Blessed to attend the gorgeous wedding of Micah and Kathryn Bingham. So many good people. So many good sentiments. Such a beautiful occasion. Let's make the church the most beautiful bride we can.
-- Blessed to write a little song on the uke for my mom's 50th. Workin' on fleshing it out and getting it recorded.
-- Blessed to realize just how blessed I am. Or at least begin to see more of them. :)

For Ezra had set his heart to
study the law of the LORD, and to
do it, and to
teach His statutes and rules in Israel.
- Ezra 7:10

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Take my moments and my days; let them flow in ceaseless praise.

This is x-posted from my old Pleonast... it's looking more and more like I'll be moving here. Strange, but here goes!

Still getting used to this whole updating-my-blog-on-a-somewhat-regular-basis thing. Heh.

Since my last post:
-- Studied several more times with Antoine. We had 3 studies last week because he had 3 days off work. Encouraging!
-- Preached in Gettysburg, and was thoroughly blessed to see the brethren there and spend some wonderful time with the Smelsers (spiritual discussions, blogs, and Cake (the band) late at night in the kitchen).
-- Spent one of the more encouraging and exhausting weeks of my life at FC Indiana camp. Opportunities to serve: Teach 13-14 year-old Bible class on Joseph ("In His Time"), lead most of the singing for the week, cabin counselor for 17-18 year-old guys with Dixon Churchill, teach classes on learning hymns and sight-singing, society helper/cheer-teacher for Psi Beta Gamma ("with a baseball bat!"), and reaching out to young people... constantly. SUCH a blessed week. Seeing young people, or just any people, grow and commit to serving the Lord more fully is such a shot in the arm! (So is singing/yelling/jumping your brains out at the Friends show Thursday night of camp, but a different kind of shot in the arm) This was, strangely, my only camp for the summer, but I'm SO blessed to have been in Indiana.
-- Attended the encouraging, gorgeous, God-glorifying wedding of Grady and Erin (Rinehart) Huggins. I was blessed to serve as a groomsman, which meant I got to spend quality time with Eric Huggins, Andrew Huggins, Colton McDaniel, David Smelser, David Watson, Nathan Wolfe, Brett Westbrook, and Craig Dehut (to name a few). The singing and prayer the night before the wedding is a memory I will cherish as long as the Lord lets me.
-- Taught a song-leading/song-worship class. This is a monthly opportunity to help focus our worship to be God-glorifying and some (hopefully) helpful suggestions for song leaders and worshipers.
-- Played some amazing ultimate frisbee with Centreville/Dulles/Annandale brethren/sistren on the lawn around the Washington monument, followed by a patriotic/spiritual singing. Good times.
-- Injured my left knee tendon thing at camp. It's not bad at all until I start running. Which means I haven't run (outside of short sprints in frisbee) in 2 weeks... Lessons in patience for the win!
-- Taught through Hosea 4. Chapters 5-6 tonight! w00t!
-- Purchased a new ukulele. She's a beaut'. And SO much more in tune than the last one (which was a wonderful starter uke).
-- Attended a thoroughly encouraging tent meeting with Josh and Becca McKinsey at the Ferencze's home in NJ. Theme: 1st Century Christianity vs. 21st Century Trends. Speakers: Doug Focht, Scott Smelser, Jeff Smelser, Tim Bunting, and Dan Koen. SO GOOD. So many blessed times with good brethren.
-- Preached on Joseph and Jesus (inspired by camp). The parallels make my head explode. In a wonderfully encouraging way.
-- Taught the high school class on Amos. Cramming a minor prophet into 45 minutes is crazy. But still so helpful! Hosea, you're next week.
-- Been working on time management. Story of my life. Thus the post title.

God is teaching me SO much about His ways right now. The tent meeting in NJ on the trends of our society, being limited to one camp this summer, the direction of different relationships, personal struggles with sin, struggles to help others with their sin... everything around me seems to cry out:

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts." (Isa 55:8-9)

Whenever we might doubt God's way... just compare it to something. Anything. Once you get past the "but that's not what I expected/wanted/prayed for/think is best" moment, you can see so clearly how superior God's ways are! Any hardship, disappointment, discomfort, or joy (for that matter) that helps us to see that is a blessing. And I've been very blessed (with a perfect mixture of what God knows I need)!

Lord, thank You for the perfect wisdom of Your ways. Thank You even more for recording Your wisdom and giving it to Your servants. We are lost without You.

Take myself and I will be ever, only, all for Thee.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Make His Praise Glorious!

Shout joyfully to God, all the earth;
Sing the glory of His name;

Make His praise glorious.

Say to God, "How awesome are Your works!
Because of the greatness of Your power
     Your enemies will give feigned obedience to You.

All the earth will worship You,
And will sing praises to You;
They will sing praises to Your name."    Selah.
Psalm 66:1-4

Greetings in God our Father and Jesus Christ our Savior!

This blog will be a place for praise to God, for thoughts on life and Scripture, for musical musings, and in general for encouragement by sharing what God is doing in the life of this servant.

Make His praise glorious!